According to Eisenberg et. al, work/life conflict “refers to the simultaneous influence of work on members’ lives away from work – at home, at leisure, and in families and communities – and the influence of personal life responsibilities and aspirations on member’ experiences at work. Work, either wanted or not, is a big part of someone’s life, especially when he or she works with long hours. Workers spend so much time at work that their experiences there affects who them and can be a big influence on them. At the same time life outside of work affects how someone acts at work. Sometimes, people have different “roles” with their family, friends, and work. Someone that is very nice and calm with family and friends have to be aggressive and hot headed with work as a police officer. Sometimes those roles conflict with who they really are and that it affects both work and family and sometimes they do the wrong role at the wrong situation.
This is definitely an interesting topic. I am sure many families experience complications with work and family life being together. A friend of mine used to nanny for a rather wealthy family. The father worked long hours and seemed to carry his stress with him at home. As a result he would reject his family by choosing to vaguely communicate. It is guaranteed that work affects everyone’s life outside of work to some extent.