In some of my psychology classes, we talk about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. According to Maslow, we human beings have basic needs and that these needs have a hierarchy where certain needs are more important than the other. This is the order of needs that we humans have to fulfill: biological / physiological needs (food, water, clothing), safety needs (shelter, security), love needs (sense of belongingness, affection), self-esteem needs (status, confidence). The last need that only few people actually achieve is self-actualization as in order to achieve it, you have to achieve the first four needs.
I have encountered many theories about humans. Many are amazing; others are too far-fetched and do not make sense (at least to me). Many of these psychological theories are disproved or became unpopular because of its unlikelihood to be true. Such theory is Freud’s theories about children and their Oedipus and Electra complex. Maslow on the other hand, although it was discovered more than half a century ago, is still relevant and seems to be true today.
In the workplace and management operations, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is also being used as it is a theory of motivation. Managers use the theory to motivate their employees to do well on their jobs. Employees look at their needs (mainly security, shelter, food) first with work. Because of this, the main attraction of work is the money (for house mortgage, food, etc). Some employers’ uses other needs such self-esteem (with promotions for status) to entice their employees. Indeed, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is still useful.
leaving the workforce
14 hours ago
I have to admit, Heirarchy does motivate me at work. You always want to move up. I absoulutely think that hierachy is everywhere. At school, work, and even sometimes at my house with my parents! I might not have agreed with it before when I was younger and had little work ethics, but now I do. I think its important to have structure and balance when working. I need to have organiztion or else I will go crazy! Although it does bother me when there is only one leader and rest are to follow, I think thats probably the safest way for others to communicate effectively together without chaos.