Theory X and Theory Y, theories about human motivation were discovered by Douglas McGregor. In Theory X, managers assume that employees are simply lazy and unmotivated that they will avoid work if possible. Employees do not like work and they just do it for the money as it is necessary. Theory X managers will normally use threats to persuade their employees to do their job right. Theory X managers put all the blame to his or her employees when they do not perform well. In Theory Y on the hand, managers assume that employees are motivated and career driven. Employees like their job and enjoy doing it as it challenges them mentally and/or physically. This kind of employees loves responsibilities (that they can handle) as performing in their job well means something to them. Theory Y managers motivate their employees by giving promotions, recognitions, bonuses, and anything positive that employees love to get.
I believe that Theory Y is a far better technique in motivating employees. I myself will probably be a Theory Y manager if I do become a manager one day. I believe that rewarding positive performance is way better than punishing bad performance or no performance. With this theory, employees want to do a good job and will end up having good relationship with the manager, and the more likely the job will get done the right way.
leaving the workforce
14 hours ago
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