Today’s technology gave humans many ways to communicate other than face-to-face; technologies such as phones, e-mail, audio messaging, and video messaging. Most people call these new technologies as a way of communication as virtual or unreal communication. I disagree. Although they are virtual they are still real communication as the sender of a message sends the message while the receiver receives the message. Even though emotions are not as easy to communicate with those technologies they are still being communicated; it is just harder to understand the message and we sometimes misinterpret it. But that is also the case when communicating face-to-face, we misunderstand people’s messages. I believe both face-to-face and virtual communications have their goods and bads. With face-to-face, it is easier to communicate the message and emotions as you can see who you’re talking to. However, virtual communication for some people can also be easier to communicate some things as they can’t do it in face-to-face conversations.
I know for me I have a lot harder time communicating emotions face-to-face than I do through 'virtual' communication. Although it is obvious that there are no facial expressions to pick up on when talking on the phone or online, I think people still find a way to express how they feel through things such as emoticons or whether they type IN ALL CAPS or add a lot of periods like they aren't quite sure what their talking about... As communication in every mode except face-to-face becomes more popular I think people will find even more ways to communicate the correct feeling that goes with their message.