According to Eisenberg et. al “mindful dialogue is to produce thoughts that neither party in a relationship, nor any participant in a group, team, or network, could have produced alone” (Eisenberg et. al, 354). I love this concept. This is the “thinking together” concept. A lot of times people, especially smart ones get too proud that they think they can do and fix anything and therefore don’t listen and talk together with another person about decision making. In an organization, I think mindful dialogue is key to success as talking about goals and things to do to reach them get others involve and makes it a lot easier to achieve. Also, the saying “two heads is better than one” is correct most of the time, depending on whose minds they are of course.
Mindful dialog works very well for problem solving as well. Sometime one person will see only one part of the solution and when you have a group of people sometimes all of the little pieces can be contributed to form the big picture. This is what we practice in our classes whenever we are put into groups to perform projects. We are practicing our mindful dialogue skills so that we will be ready to utilize them in the workplace.